It was a sunny Saturday when a colleague asked me to join her for lunch. She wanted me to try a traditional Taiwanese food called "Hakka". The name to me entails a savory food that will surely satisfy my adventurous palate.
I was excited, to be honest. As a person, I am always up for the challenge of trying new cuisine outside my comfort food. I don't know but it gives me a feeling I can't explain when I try food for the first time.
We arrived at the place at 11:00 a.m.- surely in time for lunch. The place was jampacked with people. I could tell there were families gathered together and those with thei friends too. No matter how they are related, the fact remains that everyone has a common purpose of coming there and that is to enjoy the food! And like them, that was exactly what my brain was screaming inside my head that time. haha
The place has an airy ambiance. The wind can pass to and fro maybe because it has a high ceiling. Like the wind, the light passes through the window and illuminates everything inside. The sounds of chopsticks in bowls signal an enjoyable meal coupled with talks and laughs.
My colleague ordered food and asked me if there was something I wanted to get. I told her to order whatever she liked because I could try them all. She laughed because she admired how I am so open to trying new things, especially food.
When the food arrived, everything was delicious by sight. Deep inside, I was telling myself, "I hope this would taste good." True enough, the silent prayer was granted and when I had my first bite, I was engrossed in how tasty it was.
We chatted while eating and I was happy that my colleague could talk in English. I enjoyed the food so much. The majority of the food served to us was vegetables I already knew but they were cooked differently from Filipino cuisine.
After the sumptuous lunch, we strolled a bit and took photos of the view outside the restaurant. Such great way to let the food down after an arduous indulgence. haha
If you have come this far, thank you so much for your time. See you on my next one! Zaijian!