A few days ago, I harvested this weird looking squash. It appeared to me that the seeds had formed on the outside. I didn't get around to cutting it until this morning.
I was correct!
now if only those seeds that are there were viable, I could patent a seedless squash!
Also a few days ago, I found this huge cucumber hiding up against the wall, I would have picked it long before it got this big, so today
I scooped out da seeds, heated some "pickled vinegar" from last year, hopefully sterilized the jar enough (picschure dis, I heated water to almost boiling in a coffee cup, poured it into the jar after first rinsing well, swirling liquid hand sanitizer, rinsing again very well, then I put the lid on the jar with the HOT but not boiling water, gonna swirl it around. Had my finger on the flat lid, and quickly managed to spray nearly boiling water everywhere... I wisht I had that on video)
put the cuke slices in the jar, poured over the vinegar and used my new vacuum sealer on it... we shall see, I doubt they will last long enough for me to find out if I sterilized the jar or not
When I gots dees chilluns, dey was eating wet/canned kitten food and cat milk.
I don't have enough extra funds to continue that, so I've been weaning them onto dry kibbles, but it is a real chore.
On the right is Catmilk. I apparently bought out the company because they didn't have it any more $5.99 for a 3 pack
On the left is what they have now, canned at $7.99 per can.
Most of the time, they don't finish what I put in their bowl, until I go back and stir it.
It's as if my finger stirring it has magical powers.

This is my resident tree frog
↑This mornings meager harvest↑
I have quite a few cucumbers showing up now, and MANY butternut squash (this being the largest so far)
So this morning, Not sure what has happened. The idiots woke me up from a REALLY good sleep at 5:15.
I made them get off my bed, which of course made it worse because they went on a rampage.
When I put them out the back door, I saw His Majesty come up before I went back to bed.
Then I heard Him nibbling the food but, when I looked both He and Sylvester were inside!
I know His Majesty didn't carry him thru the pet door.
They played a few minutes, then His Majesty left, and Sylly started making kitten playing noises.
I put him back out.
Twice since then I've heard this BANG sound as the sywwy kitty has hit his head on the glass.
Apparently he has learned from His Majesty how to come in thru the pet door, but "day ain't no pet doe back heeyah.".. siwwy kitty.

"Food Fight Friday"
a variety post
Jerry E Smith
All images taken with my cellphone

a variety post
Jerry E Smith
All images taken with my cellphone