They said, BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER. But it's not applicable today.
It was never really true. Most people will be betrayed more by family in their lifetime than by strangers.
@oldsoulnewb have you been betrayed by your family? Because I am experiencing it right now. It's hurtful that they put names on my husband. I can't ignore it but to fight him against them
This is interesting...and depends on your experience and understanding of the expression.
Who is "They said" and why is it not applicable today? !LUV !PIZZA
Cultures here in the Philippines "blood is thicker than water". But today, it's not applicable since I experience discrimination from my siblings because of hearsays from the neighborhood when in fact they are the ones who talked about my husband
ah ok, some people are not at peace and emotions can get out of alignment. !LUV