Importance of vegetative meals and how I prepared a vegetable blend of noodles for breakfast

in GEMS4 months ago

Hello Hive

Vegetative meals are healthy source of plant protein although they may not contain all the variety of amino acids after these proteins are digested but eating a variety of vegetables can be a source of getting all the amino acids available, studies relating to this can be seen here as well.

Animal protein contains all the necessary amino acids but these comes along with lots of fat each time we consume meat.

People on vegetative diets have lower risk of having cardiovascular diseases associated with eating fats from proteinous meat

Vegetative meals also contains lots of digestive fibers, vitamins and minerals.

Today I prepared some vegetative noodles for the family and thought to share with us some cooking tips on how to prepare and garnish this simple noodles.



The ingredients needed for these are

  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • pepper (scotch bonnet)
  • tomatoes
  • Onions.
  • Vegetable oil

Water melon can also be included but this will be after preparing the table.

Step by step preparation guide.

Dice all the available vegetables into thin slices.
I couldn't reach for the lettuce and cabbage so this won't be included in the meal.




Next parboil the noodles in water until it is soft


After the noodles is properly boiled, you drain the water in a sink.

Next step

This involves a shallow frying of all the basic ingredients in vegetable oils.
Either of the fruits or veges can go in first, but I started with the cucumbers tomatoes onions and the pepper came in last.
This can be done in a method that suits you.
I didn't take a picture this for safety reasons.

Once this is ready, the noodles chilli and ingredient are added then the already per-boiled noodles goes in next, frying and mixing all the everything.

This are sample pictures of what this will look like.



Once this is completed, we have a delicious blend of vegetables and noodles.

Thanks for coming along.