If ever our family will be written on books, it would have a lot pf chapters. My mother's family can consume a lot of pages since there were many stories that surrounds them. One chapter would be their family house. The house where they grew up in. Their home.
Mama's old family house is located at a far flung area. It would take hours of hike from the main road to the area. The road leading there is also a struggle. No proper pathway. Grass grow during and lots of mud during rainy season.
It was built way back 1950s using wood and corrugated roof. Nails were used to put it together.
Also, the nearest house is still 3-5 mins. walk away from there and right now, nobody is staying...the next one would take 10-15. mins. walk.
Originally, the house built was 2 storey but due to the past weather conditions and the tear and wear of the materials used, my uncle who is currently staying there renovated the house and made it smaller; No second floor, and it became smaller.
Upon entering the house, you will be welcomed by big bamboo used as stairs and as you go inside, you'll be entering the dirty kitchen where they use wood to cook their food. On your left would be the entrance to the main room. No more dividers. Just one wide room. What's interesting there today is that it has a door but no stairs. It just became a very big window where you can just sit there, letting your feet hang. So relaxing as you sway your feet.
Today, mom's youngest sibling stays there with her wife. Their kids already left to build their own families. The couple stays there to take care of their crops. They planted lots of lemon trees and sweet potatoes which they harvest and sell. They also have sugar canes there which my kids enjoyed to sip.
I consider myself blessed to be able to visit our ancestral house and show it to my daughters.
The house was once haunted. Scary stories surrounded that house. There are times where they can hear drums and trumpets like there's a parade on going but in reality, there's no one there. Sometimes, they'd see a blazing fire pass by. As for me, the most scary thing I remembered in that house is that when I was still a little girl, my mum and I visited the area. We slept there and decided to go home the next day. As I slept, I dreamed of a big, white Phyton that surrounds the whole house. Until now, I can clearly picture in my mind the white Phyton and it still give me the creeps. Recently, while lying in bed,my aunt saw a big eye on the ceiling and as she closed her eyes, something started to touch her back and blow in her ear. She said she kept on praying and shut her eyes tightly. She prayed and prayed till it went away. After that incident, she dedicated the house to the Lord and starting that day, she said she never felt any presence of any unnatural being.
Pictures I took there. Read the captions after each pic. for more details.
My daughters' hiking outfit ❤️. It's their first time going to the old family house
Hike hike hike! Mom is carrying bread and snacks for uncle and aunty
The nearest neighbor (but is now a ghost house)
Our uncle who is now staying in that house
Tried taking a pic of the whole house.
Sitting on the door without stairs. Notice the basket like figure near my feet. They call that "Kayabang"in our area. It is used by females to carry their crops before.
Just a bug my daughter saw while on our way to the old house
Their cat lying prettily on the floo
Haha! look at my 2nd daughter's facial expression...seems like she's telling me "watcha looking at mama".
In this picture, my Uncle is busy starting a fire and my mum is actually cleaning sugarcane for her apo (Granddaughter). It's just not that visible in the picture but yah, that's what she was doing there.
It must be great living in the old days. Nothing to influence you on many things to buy for the house
My uncle placed a hammock and yep! It can hold my weight!Hahahaha!
They're sitting on the stairs going to the main entrance. The earlike part of the house is their kitchen that's why it is made by recycled corrugated roof.
Sitting Pretty
Waiting for the food being cooked...it's goat meat and lots and lots of camote tops
Mavi and my uncle's dog...plus a brave chicken who wants to eat with them
My husband arrived later than us for he has to fee our pigs before coming. Such a handsome guy with big tummy(for me, atleast)
Smiles for a stolen shot
Catching up!
Yummy food for lunch! I was looking for the pic where we ate on the floor but coud'nt find it...
Aunty Betty cleaning the sugar cane for her apo. They also gave us many of these to bring home.
Our final pic before we head home
Going home is a not a problem. the difficult part was saying goodbye
I'm just happy I got to show my kids the place where their grandma used to live
our little princess got tired...but was rescued by daddy
Goodbye Talnag, see you again next time!
Thank you guys for still being there despite the long read.
-your @mama-ayn