Greetings, today is my first post in the community and I wanted to share my weekend experience with you, I tell you that some time ago I had been told about a spectacular place, to go to celebrate a special event either graduation, birthday, anniversary, closing a business or simply talk with loved ones and friends, I was stressed that the attention and good service would not disappoint me. Those words of those people echoed in my mind, I was curious to know the restaurant, because they work with Rodizio which is related to a variety of food to taste for a single price for about three hours.
I confess that I organized to go, I was waiting to raise the money with my husband, we decided to go out last Saturday for lunch with the family, when we arrived we were welcomed, and explained how was the procedure to taste the Rodizio, they handle two chips a green color that indicates the word "Yes" you want to eat, there will come the waiters to the table and offer you different cuts of meats such as: chicken, pork, chorizo, lamb..., they also said that you could place on the plate other contours such as: salads, different types of cheeses, shrimp, pasta, soups, fruits....
If I no longer wished to eat, I had to make use of the red card where the word "No" was used to pause and the waiters would not offer any more food. I ate several cuts of meat and accompanied them with salads, french fries, I drank parchitas and strawberry juice, for dessert I ordered a chocolate cake, then we toasted with a delicious wine.
I could not eat other foods because I was already full, but my husband and the others ate other foods to their liking. At the end we took pictures for the memory, wishing to go again, because I loved the decoration, I took with me the satisfaction of having known this restaurant in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela, a place that will serve you like kings.
Everything written belongs to me.
The photographs are taken from the Samsung GalaxyS10+ cell phone.
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