I found this funny because I marinate my chicken in coffee too. It gives the chicken a nice rounded flavour:)
You too?😅😅
Now I'm curious. Do you also add other seasonings like salt and pepper to it, or just coffee?
And how does it taste?
And thank you for reading my work, I always look forward to seeing your comments🤗
Yes, I add salt and pepper with other herbs such as basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic, and chilli flakes.
I season the chicken with all the above, then add the coffee and marinate it in a ziplock bag overnight.
This way I can massage the seasoning into the chicken before baking it. Everything helps the seasoning to absorb into the chicken and there is no specific taste of coffee or the individual seasoning. It's a rounded taste:)
Oh okay, I get it now. So coffee isn't the main ingredient in the marinade.
I will definitely be trying this out the next time I make chicken.
Thanks for sharing your recipe!