Whatever the season is, it is never the wrong time to take care of our immune system and use every single resource that the nature has provided us to boost it.
I have been preparing this beverage for myself for the last year and I can proudly say that I almost never get sick with the flu.
I start my day with a glass of water and I usually add a couple of tablespoons of the immune booster to it. This way I make sure that I not only take care of my immune system but also of my gut health.
It is well known that ginger provides us with a wide range of health benefits and has a long history as a plant used in Indian and Chinese medicine.
Some of the main benefits of daily usage are:
- Better digestion
- Anti-inflammatory
- Decrease of bloating and gas
Now, when you add a whole bunch of citruses to it, you can only expect a stronger immune system.
It is scientifically proven that there are plenty of benefits when consuming citruses such as:
- Rich in vitamins
- Antioxidants
- Good source of fiber
Therefore I do believe that if you combine those two and add a little bit of spice (or in my case 2 spices and a tablespoon full of honey), you can help your immune system while taking care of your gut health.
It is quite easy in my opinion and can be premade in bigger quantities and stored in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
I start by choosing my favorite citrus fruits which are:
- Lemon
- Lime
- Orange
- Grapefruit
- Clementines
You can adjust the fruit according to your personal taste preferences.
For the recipe I have used:
- 4 limes
- 3 lemons
- 1 grapefruit
- 1 orange
- 3 clementines
- 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons of turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of honey
First I peel off and cut the ginger into small pieces. This makes it easier for me in the process later.
Then I peel all of the fruits and cut them into ¼ or ½ depending on the size.
I put all these into a blender and let it blend until almost a homogenous mixture is visible.
Then I continue by adding my spices and the honey.
I stir it with a spoon and transfer the mixture to containers suitable for my needs or in my case - jars.
It really depends on how are you going to drink it - as a shot in the morning or not.
If so - divide the mixture into equal parts of 30 or 50 ml. I would suggest not to consume more than that dose on a daily basis as you risk to “overdo” and experience some gut discomfort.
I personally am not a shot-person but I do love to add a couple of tablespoons to my water every morning.
This way I don’t feel the taste that much since for me mornings are hard and can barely consume anything. So, dissolved in water is much more proper and easier for me to have my daily immune booster.
Stay healthy and positive,
Miss Kate