Hello everyone, I hope you are doing great today and are out there doing what will bring food and source of life continuity to you. It's always advisable to have breakfast before setting out for work no matter how small it maybe and what type of food it maybe. If you are a type that leaves the house very early in the morning inorder to beat the stress of traffic jam abd get to work early, its advisable to have a packed food in a food flask but if you can go through all that, you can take a break from work and have a solid and well deserved post breakfast.
Every healthy body is as a result of an healthy input, I'm of the opinion that every healthy body makes a wealthy nation. It's necessary to be mindful of what we take into our body be it medicine or food.
When talking about food, it advisable to nurture our system with food free from germs, and all sorts of contaminated materials, and how can we achieve this, this can be fully achieved by keeping our environment free from unwanted and air flying animals as they are one of the most and fast spread germs, another is using our unwashed hands to to process finished, packed, canned, and cooked food.
Another way we can take into our body food that will be harmful is through excess applied fertilizer, that is done when the young plant is on the earth(soil). Most of the farmers now used too much fertilizer on their crops in order to yield fruit fast and especially now that the economy of the country is not smiling with anyone.
Farmers tend to do this to access much profit and grow another plant after harvesting. In some part of world, some agricultural system are being practiced and some are not appreciated by the farmers, a case study is that of shift cultivation or shift planting, this affects farmers when they (farmers) do not much farmland to cultivate after having to wait for some years after harvesting from the previous and so they will double plant or over load the farmland with seedlings while relying on fertilizers to boos the growth of the plants without any minding the spacing and growth of the young plant.
I believe every country should give more attention when it's comes to agriculture and it's product. It believe that any healthy nation has a reliable agriculture aids be it import or export of product. Agriculture really boosts the economy of some country especially when the country are producing country and not solely a consuming country as can be seen in some of our countries.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and do well to reach out to me through the comments section.
Do ahve a blissful day ahead.