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RE: Nomad Hive - How to manage your money efficiently during your nomadic journey so you don't go (too) hungry. / Cómo administrar eficientemente tu dinero durante tu viaje nómada para no pasar (tanta) hambre. 😅❤️

in NOMAD HIVE24 days ago

What a great idea and experience to save money on our trips, especially to tourist sites. It makes me sad that now you don't visit mks publications, as before. Good luck.


Hi Omar. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry, I sometimes forget to visit my author friends. I hope everything is okay there :)

My friend missed your visits to my publications. Búscama I always appreciate it. May it always be very good to you. God bless you./

Amiga echaba de menos tus visitas a mis publicaciones. Búscame siempre te lo agradezco. Que siempre te vaya muy bien. Que Dios te bendiga.