Who Fancies A Shoved Chicken Bit In An Unbuttered Bun?

in #food4 months ago (edited)

These days I have a problem with the whole supermarket network, which feeds into my dislike and suspicion of big business generally. Not that I am anti-big business it's just most of them are abjectly immoral power obsessed globalist maniacs determined to play their part in diminishing and dividing our society.

Supermarkets are no different. I have a special disregard for these corporate creatures as so many of us are now entirely dependent on them in order to feed ourselves. My dislike for them is heightened even further when I consider what they have done in towns where these corporate giants have pushed away local independent greengrocers, butchers, bakers, newsagents etc. They have literally forced these once essential shops out of business and have made our highstreets look like ghost towns.

Apart from the monthly shop I do with an online organic grocer, which costs me a lot and there is no way I can get all my supplies from them, as with most people I am forced to pay a visit to my local supermarkets.

The other day I was in one of the supermarkets over here in Britain called Sainsbury's. I was looking for a late night snack, which I usually have around midnight as I work until then and I'm usually feeling a bit peckish by that time. So I happened to look into their hot food cabinet. I rarely buy anything from this cabinet but on this occasion something caught my eye. Take a look at this thing.


As you can see what caught my eye was the price. A half price Southern Fried Fillet in a bap yeah go on then I'll try that I said to myself. So I picked it up and plonked it in my shopping bag, feeling a little satisfied with my bargain.

Later on when I got home I left it to cool down and then put it in the fridge for my midnight snack. So I finish work and reach into that fridge and pull out my half price culinary delight. I take it out of the bag and take a peek to see what's between the bap.


Oh well nevermind at least it's half price I said as I consoled myself at the sight of the misery. It really was as pathetic as it looks in the image. A lump of dried chicken coated in breadcrumbs. They couldn't even be bothered to butter the bun, given that this was more of a sandwich style thing than a burger. No trimmings and no sauce or mayo either. Literally a smidgen of chicken shoved between a bap. Nom! Nom! Nom!

Anyway I warmed up the chicken and shoved it back in the bap, added some organic mayo and chomped away. No hint of that 'southern fried' taste. Dry and tasteless crap is what it was and these fuckers were trying to charge people £2.95, or $3.65, for it - robbing bastards.

Here's another picture of it from a different angle.

You can see the contours of the bap more vividly in this image. Wonderful.

What annoys me most is the ridiculous price supermarkets are charging for this junk, and it's not just these types of products it's right across the board. Supermarkets are in a uniquely powerful position in our society when it comes to the whole food chain. They can control prices with relative ease. They can charge ridiculously over inflated prices for something that costs them a fraction of what it cost them to make or buy in.

That chicken thing I bought from Sainsbury's originally priced at £2.95 would have cost the supermarket around £0.40. They are making grotesque amounts of profit at the expense of hard up consumers and the quality is barely mediocre. Even at £1.50 I felt conned.

I could write a whole separate post on the cynical and sinister role supermarkets now have in our society. Perhaps I will do that.



Lol you get what you pay for

Sometimes, sadly not in this case!