On my way back home with my husband, walking along Sucre Street at lunchtime, we decided to stop by Don Vera, since I didn't feel like cooking. I had previously enjoyed the Chinese rice they prepare there and I liked it because its flavor and texture were far away from the greasy, reheated and highly seasoned preparations.
En esta ocasión pedí arroz con pollo y camarones, pero justo en el último minuto, antes de realizar el pago, me antojé de acompañarlo con un Chop Suey de vegetales con jamón. No pude resistirme debido al aroma característico de la comida china que se hacía sentir en el ambiente.
On this occasion I ordered rice with chicken and shrimp, but just at the last minute, before making the payment, I had a craving to accompany it with a Chop Suey of vegetables with ham. I couldn't resist due to the characteristic aroma of Chinese food that permeated the atmosphere.
El pedido fue para llevar, me gusta comer junto a mi esposo en la tranquilidad de nuestro hogar, además el restaurante queda relativamente cerca, así que una vez que tuvimos el pedido en nuestras manos, en cuestión de minutos estábamos organizando nuestros platos con la comida aún caliente.
I like to eat with my husband in the tranquility of our home, plus the restaurant is relatively close, so once we had the order in our hands, in a matter of minutes we were organizing our plates with the food still hot.
He de admitir que de la cocina china no es de mi agrado la salsa agridulce, así que conmigo no cuenten para impregnar mi arroz y chop suey con tal aditamento. Por el contrario, sí me gusta la salsa de soya, considero que realza el sabor de la comida y por ello no dudé en "pintar de negro" buena parte de mi plato. Tampoco soy partidaria de las tradicionales lumpias por el aceite que se requiere para su preparación.
I have to admit that I don't like sweet and sour sauce in Chinese cuisine, so don't count on me to impregnate my rice and chop suey with such an addition. On the contrary, I do like soy sauce, I consider that it enhances the flavor of the food and that is why I did not hesitate to "paint" a good part of my plate black. I am also not a fan of traditional clumps because of the oil required for their preparation.
En contraste, mi esposo sí le vació las salsas a su comida y también se comió el pan que obsequian, no dejó nada. Hasta ahora, la experiencia con esta comida china preparada por venezolanos ha sido muy agradable. Definitivamente, Don Vera es una opción que nunca decepciona y esta combinación de arroz y chop suey resultó buena elección, lo que confirmé tras cada bocado.
In contrast, my husband did pour the sauces on his food and also ate the bread they gave away, leaving nothing behind. So far, the experience with this Chinese food prepared by Venezuelans has been very pleasant. Definitely, Don Vera is an option that never disappoints and this combination of rice and chop suey was a good choice, which I confirmed after each bite.
✓Fotos de mi galería personal.
✓Texto traducido con DeepL.
✓Photos from my personal gallery.
✓Text translated with DeepL.
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