Hello dear community, greetings to all those who share their delicious recipes daily, I particularly like to cook and being here opens up a world of possibilities for me to learn and discover new recipes and copy one or another tips.
A few months ago, I decided that I should lose weight and I found myself involved in too much information, an innumerable amount of diets and advice that contradicted each other. In that exhausting search I discovered the KETO DIET, a diet high in fat, adequate in protein and low in carbohydrates.
I have learned a lot about this diet and how to combine ingredients, to eat delicious, different and balanced every day, that is why today I bring you the recipe for a KETO BREAD, without flour, without gluten or sugar, in addition to being very tasty it is Perfect to replace conventional bread, I hope you like it.

•2 huevos
•50 gr. De Mantequilla de maní
•60 ml. Crema de leche
• 2 eggs
• 50 gr. Peanut Butter
• 60ml. Milk cream
• Salt
• Butter

Preparación / Preparation
In a very clean and dry cup, place the eggs and heavy cream and mix until they are well integrated, add a pinch of salt and add the peanut butter, and continue mixing until your preparation is smooth and lump-free.

In a small frying pan with a medium-low flame, place a tablespoon of butter, stir so that it does not burn, pour the mixture and cover for 10 minutes on each side, when it is ready you can fill it with your favorite protein and vegetables, you can Dress with mayonnaise and low-sugar mustard and the cheese you like the most.

I filled it with grilled chicken, tomato, lettuce, gouda cheese and ham, in addition to being delicious and being a fairly protein recipe, I promise you that you will be satisfied. I wasn't planning to prepare any salad but since I had some lettuce and tomato left over I preferred to eat them rather than store them.

Thank you for reading me, I hope you are encouraged to prepare the bread and if you do, please share the result and your opinion with me. Hugs, Rossi.