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RE: Looking glass

in Shit Photography24 days ago

Ooh those are nice. I have a love/hate relationship with glass and glass things. Glass artwork is so amazingly cool, especially when you watch them making it, and glass itself is so very useful, but it's also so very breakable and sharp when broken x_x

perhaps the hate part of the love/hate comes from the fact I am a klutz


Watching glass being made into things is mesmerising and quite amazing; get it wrong and one gets a pretty serious ouchy.

I've seen it done a few times around the place and it never ceases to captivate me, the innovative ways they get it all together.

I think you'd be good at it being a klutz would make you really bad at it. 🥴😂

LoL never mind bad at it I wouldn't be brave enough to go anywhere near that, that's both molten hot and potentially breakable, both things I avoid like the plague! XD

Nothing quite as good as a bit of molten glass on one's hand, said no one ever.