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RE: Profits Will Be Our Undoing!!!

in Hive Learners27 days ago

it's always been about the money bruno o.o since when has it not. There's definitely pros and cons to what's happening with technology. We have to adapt to it :) as we are human; we've been adapting for centuries. nothing new. It ain't the end of the world. colonizing mars possible but who would wanna go haha sounds like a recipe for disaster. it'd be super expensive there o.o


Hehe... it'll definitely be expensive. But if life there is better, many who can afford to will go there. Leaving earth to slowly turn into a sort of wasteland. It will always be about money.

o.o nah u overthinking it. it wont be wasteland. people prob thought this centuries back but we all still here. people thought it was the end of the world~ many times lol