Hello foodiefriends, have a great day everyone; you are all welcome to my blog 🥥.
Today I am going to show you the tutorial on how to make some delicious coquitos for snacking.
El coco tiene una gran lista de minerales esenciales para el fortalecimiento de los músculos y la regularización de la presión arterial; como son: el hierro, potasio, zinc y selenio.
Coconut has a long list of minerals essential for strengthening muscles and regulating blood pressure, such as iron, potassium, zinc and selenium.
Los ingredientes que vamos a necesitar para su preparación son
We take a saucepan and let it heat for a few seconds and then add the grated coconut, together with the sugar and the coloring.
Let it cook over low heat, stirring constantly with the help of the paddle so that it cooks well; you will know when it is ready because it comes off easily from the pan.
Finally, we moisten our hands and form small balls.
Y así de este modo, tan apetitosos y provocativos nos quedarán nuestros coquitos dulces.
And in this way, so appetizing and provocative will be our sweet coquitos.
Gracias por leer.
Thank you for reading.