Enjoy one of the tastiest meatballs in the city of Banda Aceh

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

Hello HIVe friends in this community. Today my position is in the city of Banda Aceh. One of the beautiful cities with a variety of culinary delights and culture attached to it, apart from that, of course, culinary tourism which only exists in this city and its charming natural scenery. And to get to this city I have to travel 500 kilometers from my city and I traveled this distance in 14 hours. This time should be shortened to just 8-10 hours of travel, but I want to enjoy my road trip using a private vehicle. And every city we enter we will stop by to sample its culinary tourism. Apart from enjoying the culinary tour, our aim was to stop in each city, of course, to rest ourselves so that we wouldn't get too tired and in the end could harm ourselves or could also harm other people if an accident occurred.

And after arriving in the city of Banda Aceh, almost midnight, of course we immediately rested after cleaning ourselves. And today is my second day in the city of Banda Aceh. After being satisfied with stopping in every city, I will visit the city of Banda Aceh. Today I miss a food that I can't miss and wherever I am I always look for this food to cure my longing. The food I mean is meatballs. This heavy food with hot sauce with spices, noodles and of course meatballs and meatballs can be made from chicken, pork, beef, fish or from mushrooms for vegetarians.

Even though every city has this meatball culinary dish, of course the tongue definitely has a different taste - this is because of the special spices that have become raw materials in each region, including the city of Banda Aceh. And because I wanted meatballs, I looked on my maps application for a place to eat meatballs that weren't too expensive but tasted delicious. And finally I found the Bakso Suagun Jaya stall which is located on Jalan Banda Aceh Melabouh, precisely next to the Nusa Indah supermarket.

This stall specifically sells meatballs, nothing else. The stall is also very simple and the opening time is from 13.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB. And when I got there the stall had just opened and we were the first customers at this stall. And I ordered Jumbo meatballs for Rp. 17,000 per portion or if we follow the current exchange rate then the price per portion is 1.54 U$ dollars. The price is quite cheap, right?

In this one bowl you can see how big the portion is. Inside there are corn noodles, shredded fried chicken and several small meatballs as well as one large meatball doused in hot broth. And the broth is very light, not too heavy with a strong micin taste. I like light broths like this. And on top it is sprinkled with fried onions, sliced ​​spring onions and celery leaves, but if you don't like it then you can skip it.

The taste of the meatballs is dense and chewy and the meatballs at this stall are made from chicken. I really like the fibers, so with the combination of light broth and the taste of meatballs that are dense and chewy like this, this is my taste then add this large meatball which contains quail eggs, really a surprise for me, and I added this thick broth with chili sauce, sweet soy sauce and thick ground chili which all became one flavor with a very perfect blend, the broth was so hot it made me sweat especially since I was the first customer, and in an instant I had finished two bowls meatballs and I can't contain this feeling. And my steps today are lighter because the meatballs I miss taste as I expected even though this shop is not a restaurant or 5 star hotel. It's just a small meatball shop on the outskirts of town with a view of the mountains. And I added 4 stars in my application for this stall, and if I have time to come back then I will eat meatballs again in this city. Greetings from Tomidiwirja Indonesia