Healthy and happy, that's what I aim for in life. That's what matters the most to me, after my kids of course, but they are tied in to it all. For me it's simple, if I want to have a happy life, I have to be healthy, or as healthy as possible. They go hand in hand, you can't really have one without the other, perfectly intertwined they are. It's hard to been truly happy, if you do not have a healthy body and mind. How we think, effects every part of our lives, of our being. Being healthy encompasses so much, so, so much. It starts with knowing yourself. Understanding your needs on every level, allowing life to take you on a journey, which allows you to explore the ways in which you can meet those needs.

It's knowing what makes you happy. And going for it, doing what makes you happy, unapologeticly so. In some ways I feel like the most important things in life, are the least things that society talks about. Modern society as a whole, is not based around making us happy and healthy, it's more about making and maintaining us as consumers and obedient members of the workforce. If you want to get a real taste of health and happiness, you have to break away. You have to make time to step out of the rat race. Step out and into nature.
Being in nature, is probably one of the most important things you can do. The longer you are in nature, the more connected you become to your natural rhythm, to a way of living that is by far the healthiest for us. Taking time to slow down, to listen, to observe, first our surroundings, but then ourselves. I become much more aware and my senses much more heightened when I am in nature and also when I am living in a way that keeps me connected to the land and to the seasons. Being outside, if you want to be healthy and happy, you have to get out into nature. I have to, get my bare feet on the ground, hug some trees, get my hands in the soil. Immerse myself, in order to become more connected to who I am, to my potential. Which only happens, when you begin to follow your intuition. When you take time to be yourself. Embracing the solitude that nature provides.
Another very important way to stay happy and healthy, is to stay active, to keep moving. When we move, everything moves with us, everything within us. It's so important to be active, to walk, to run, to climb, to dance, to jump. To use our bodies, how they are meant to be used. It's funny how face paced life is these days, but yet so many of us aren't actually moving enough. It's like we are constantly trying to chase after things, yet in reality, we can only really achieve something when we slow down and move in a more natural and healthy way. Using our bodies, to help us process what is happening in our lives. To help us release emotions that may have become stuck, or thoughts that are on a continuous loop inside our heads. You want something to change, then you have to move, you have to change it yourself. You have to move. In whatever way feels comfortable to you. Play is also a huge part of movement and a huge part of achieving health and happiness.

And then there is the food that we eat, what we put into our bodies, what we consume. It should be simple really, at the end of the day it is simple. We need to eat fresh food, food that supports and nurtures our bodies and our minds. For me, that is fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. I try to eat just a small percentage of processed food. Which is mainly bread and crackers and tofu. The odd time I might get some snacks, but I notice a difference in myself when I eat them. For sure they can taste good, but they leave me sluggish. We need to eat, so that we can function and yes it's nice to eat because it tastes good, but really, eating is really about fueling our bodies and our minds. I take a few extra's to help me achieve that. I take a mushroom blend some mornings, other times, I'll have Maca and Spirulina or Chlorella. Super foods that come from nature and that my body enjoys. I also am a big lover of sprouts and water kefir.
When you remember how to listen to yourself, then you know what you need to do in order to be happy and healthy.
This is my response to the following question, that is a part of the latest Weekend Engagement Challenge.......
What's your top three health tips for living a generally healthy and happy life after 40 years of age? Use your own photos.
All of the photos used in this post are mine.