altheana in #hive-120586 • yesterdaySavory pancakes with croque-monsieur style // Pancakes salés façon croque-monsieur [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😁 Do you like pancakes? Do you like croque-monsieur? If so, I found aaltheana in #hive-120586 • 2 days agoRecipe: Pasta gratin with bacon, butternut squash and reblochon // Recette : Gratin de pâtes, lardons, butternut et reblochon [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing well and that you are still as greedy, because today's recipealtheana in #hive-120586 • 3 days agoRecipe: Baked butternut squash, bacon, goat cheese and honey // Recette : Butternuts au four, lardons, fromage de chèvre et miel [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 Do you also like the sweet/savory mix? Do you like thaltheana in #hive-120586 • 7 days agoRecipes: Broccoli Waffles // Recettes : des gaufres aux brocolis [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well today. 😊 A few weeks ago, I tested a first recipe for savory sweet potaltheana in #hive-120586 • 8 days agoRecipe: Sweet Potato Curry // Recette : Curry de patates douces [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing great. 😊 Do you like curry? And sweet potatoes? And chickpeas? Becausealtheana in #hive-120586 • 9 days agoRecipe: Corn pancakes with yogurt sauce // Recette : pancakes de maïs et sauce au yaourt [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well 😊 Do you also not know what to eat corn with? Let me explain: a few weealtheana in #hive-120586 • 10 days agoTasty recipe : Savoyard paninis // Recette gourmande : des paninis savoyards [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 I have a question for you: do you also sometimes need very tasty, caltheana in #hive-120586 • 14 days agoTwo little aperitif ideas for Friday // Deux petites idées d'apéro pour le vendredi [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing great today. 😊 Today is Friday and with @genesisledger, we have a little taltheana in #hive-120586 • 15 days agoRecipe: Spaghetti and mushrooms with soy sauce and honey // Recette : Spaghettis et champignons à la sauce soja et au miel [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😁 If you regularly read the recipes I share, you mustaltheana in #hive-120586 • 16 days agoRecipe: Rice with carrots and red beans // Recette : poêlée de riz aux carottes et haricots rouges [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 For a few weeks, with @genesisledger, we have chalaltheana in #hive-120586 • 17 days agoNew Recipe: Chickpea Stew with Peanut Butter // Nouvelle recette : ragoût de pois chiche au beurre de cacahuètes [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 With @genesisledger, we are always looking for new flavors andaltheana in #hive-120586 • 22 days agoNew recipe: red bean pancake // Nouvelle recette : galette de haricots rouges [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 Do you also love vegetable patties? We love them a lot andaltheana in #hive-120586 • 23 days agoRecipe: pasta with broccoli, bacon and cheddar sauce // Recette : pâtes aux brocolis, bacon et sauce cheddar [EN/FR] Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 Today, I am back to share with you a recipe that we loved: broaltheana in #hive-120586 • 24 days agoRecipe: Savory Sweet Potato and Bacon Waffles // Recette : des gaufres salées à la patate douce et au bacon [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well 😊 Today, I am back to share with you a new recipe that we tested aaltheana in #hive-120586 • 28 days agoRecipe: Creamy Pasta with Turkey and Mustard // Recette : Pâtes crémeuses à la dinde et à la moutarde [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well on this beautiful Valentine's Day (the celebration oaltheana in #hive-120586 • 29 days agoNew recipe: Goat cheese and chorizo burger with sweet potato fries // Nouvelle recette : Burger chèvre chorizo et frites de patates douces [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 👋 I'm back to share a new recipe with you, not very healthyaltheana in #hive-120586 • last monthNew recipe: Vegetarian Mafé // Nouvelle recette : Mafé végétarien [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 For a few weeks, with @genesisledger, we have been testing a multitaltheana in #hive-120586 • last monthNew recipe: spaghetti and bacon with leeks // Nouvelle recette : spaghetti et ses lardons aux poireaux [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. Last week, with @genesisledger, we discovered a greataltheana in #hive-120586 • last monthNew recipe: fried potatoes with chorizo // Nouvelle recette : poêlée de pommes de terre au chorizo [EN/FR]Hello friends and food lovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 😊 Today, I am back to share with you a very tasty recipe andaltheana in #hive-120586 • last monthLittle sweet treat: waffles // Petit plaisir sucrée : des gaufres [EN/FR]Hello friends and foodlovers! I hope you are all doing very well. 👋 A few days ago, it was Candlemas. It is a Catholic holiday that take