Making this a very quick one so I can get enough sleep! I should return back to my normally formatted LPUD posts next month.
So, last LPUD I had 25955 LP. This time around, I'm starting with 26934 LP, which comes out to 979 LP automatically staked over the past month, which happens to be substantially more than the prior month. This is from a combination of LP earned from delegating to @leo.voter, rewards from posts, rewards from comments, and some curation rewards. This may mark my largest monthly increase to date.
$LEO's price did not substantially drop this month, so these earnings are completely organic. I was more active on Threads!
I definitely earned a bunch of liquid LEO, but I lost count of how much. I placed a bunch of LEO into the CENT:LEO liquidity pool this month.
So now let's power up 250 LEO for this LPUD!
Now I'm slightly over 27k LP. This month, I've definitely grown by over 1000 LP, so if I can keep up this rate, I'm less than 2 years away from reaching my goal of 50k LP!
Let's go 50k LP! This is growing quicker than I anticipated.
I'm going to skip showing the other powerups (i.e. @fc-curation, @hive-140084, etc.) but rest assured they're all done. You can check all the FC Community accounts!
So, there's the 3rd LPUD of 2025. Let's keep progressing and growing. Until next time, cheers everyone!
Now I'll disclose the reason I made this very brief. Yesterday, I was attending the first board review session. I was essentially asleep through half of it (waking up every few minutes to write notes over the course of about 6 hours), and a bit sharper the other half (also about 6 hours). This is terrible. I want to be much sharper so I can take in as much as possible. Sleep is profoundly important for me right now, hence I'm placing it as first priority.