rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • 6 days agoDuck with pieces in your own juice / Качка кусочками у власному соці ( En / Ua )Hi, fans of delicious recipes! Today is March 8! International Feast of Women's Solidarity! It is the first spring holiday and it is dedicated to a woman who is fighting for her…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • 11 days agoMerluza baked in foil / Мерлуза запечена у фользі ( En / Ua )Hi, lovers are delicious to eat and cook new recipes! Today I will tell you how I was preparing Merluz for dinner. After lunch, I went to the supermarket Emisphero to see if…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • 5 months agoOysters, what are they? / Устриці, що воно таке? ( En / Ua )Hello, lovers of new food experiences! During my life, I am constantly getting acquainted with products that are new to me. I taste one of them and then decide if I will eat it…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • 11 months agoFlecks, flasks, trippa, tripe / Фляки, флячки, тріппа, рубець ( En / Ua )lHello, foodies! This dish is popular in many European countries. In Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece. In every country, many people adore this dish, and…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last year Asparagus is on my table today / Сьогодні на маєму столі спаржа ( En / Ua ) Hello, foodies! Spring has come and I want to eat something fresh and springy. The first vegetable that ripens in early spring is asparagus. They start digging it out of the…rosanna-brava rebloggedua-ethnology in #hive-165469 • last yearВареники - символ української традиційної кухніЯкщо спитати будь якого українця улюблені традиційні страви, рейтинг впевнено очолять борщ і вареники. Хоча аналог вареників є у багатьох народів світу - у італійців равіолі…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last yearQuail fried in a pan / Перепілка смажена на сковороді ( En / Ua )Hello, foodies! I noticed quail in the super market a long time ago. And today I decided to buy a package containing four quails. The price, I will tell you, is not cheap. But…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last year Grilled mackerel / Скумбрія на грилі ( En / Ua )Greetings everyone! Today I am cooking mackerel that I bought in the supermarket. Two small fresh fish cost me 4.23 euros. Вітаю усіх! Сьогодні я готую скумбрію, яку купила в…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last yearBlack cabbage cooked in a frying pan / Чорна капуста, приготовлена на пательні ( En / Ua )Hi friends! I think you are doing well! In order for health to be good, you need to eat food enriched with vitamins and minerals. Just today I prepared a dish with a miracle…rosanna-brava rebloggednadin-zakrevska in #hive-120586 • last yearI fermented a cucumbers for the first time./Я вперше квасила огірки. (En/Ua)Hi to all. I know it's not that complicated a recipe. In my family, my grandmother and mother were engaged in fermenting vegetables. It is such a family tradition that in the summer you need to preparrosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last yearMy meat skewers / Мої м'ясні шпажки ( En / Ua )Hello to everyone who likes to cook and taste homemade food! Today I went to the Maxi supermarket to buy some products. I saw that meat on skewers is being sold today with a 30%…rosanna-brava in #hive-120586 • last year Apple-plum puree / Яблучно - сливове пюре ( En / Ua )Hello to all lovers of cooking! I prepare this dish two or three times a week for my ward. These are boiled apples with prunes. This dish is very useful and nutritious. It…rosanna-brava in #hive-165469 • last year Bad experience / Поганий досвід ( En / Ua )Hi to all! Whenever I have to spend my day off in another city, I look for a Japanese or Chinese restaurant. I really like to taste the dishes of these countries. And the prices…