Coming back to bread baking with new oven 🥳 / パン作りに復帰しました!

in BreadBakers2 months ago

Our kitchen we bought from the former residents had quite a lot of troubles. The oven and stove were one of them. At the end of the year, my partner found a great deal, and we finally replaced the oven and stove. That means I can finally return to my favorite hobby and passion — baking bread. Bread! Bread! Bread! I’ve been baking with so much joy!

The first bake in the new oven was a New Year’s pretzel on New Year’s Eve. The shiny new oven, combined with how beautiful and delicious the pretzel turned out, reminded me how much fun bread baking is!

The first bread baked in the new oven: New Year’s pretzel

So happy with the look and taste of this bake!

During the New Year holidays, I prepared sourdough starter and baked sourdough bread really after a while. But... the result was a little funny-looking 😅 I guess my skills got a bit rusty after not baking for months.

A funny-looking sourdough loaf

I felt relieved when I sliced it open to see a nice crumb with evenly distributed bulbs.

A decent crumb

Since I’m doing Veganuary this month, I enjoyed it with vegan butter - in my family, it's called butter test 🧈

My favorite vegan butter

Vegan butter test

Haha, it was so good! I couldn’t stop smiling as my family and I finished the loaf in one day. I baked another one, but that disappeared just as quickly—no photos of the second one 😁

This year, with my new oven, I hope to breathe new life into the Bread Bakers community, which @breadcentric and I started in 2018. I know I say this every year ...

Anyways, happy bread baking, everyone! Don't forget to post your result to Bread Bakers. Cross posts is OK. I'm simply happy to see more home baked breads on Hive.

🍞 🥐 🥯 🥖





年末年始にかけてサワードウのスターターを作って、大好きなサワードウのパンも焼いてみたら・・・あれ、なんだか間抜けな焼き上がりに 😅 何ヶ月も焼いていなかったので腕が鈍っているようです。








今年は新しいオーブンとともに、2018年に @breadcentric さんと作ったBread Bakersコミュニティを盛り上げていきたいな(と毎年言っていますね)。

それではみなさん happy bread baking ! 🍞

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