Mimicking heat-resistant glass container / 耐熱ガラス容器でパンを焼く

in BreadBakers11 months ago (edited)


I started baking sourdough bread again last month, and to my surprise, the new method turned out quite nicely! I tried the baking method using a heat-resistant glass container that I wrote about in last month's post. The "mimicking dutch oven" method worked, @livinguktaiwan !

Baking sourdough bread after a while / I haven't had sourdough bread in a while

When I was watching a lot of videos on baking bread using sourdough a few years ago, I got to know a method to bake sourdough bread using a heat-resistant glass container, and I have been wanting to try it for a long time. I found the video. It was from 6 years ago ... !

I had been wanting to try this method more and more as my oven was getting worse and worse, because this method would work even for poor ovens. For the last month I had been looking at Pyrex heat resistant glass containers online and in department stores and....

to my surprise, I found three containers in a box on a street marked "Zu Verschenken" (give away). I took the two that matched the size of bread I bake.

I really wanted to bring all three home as a glass container family, but due to the lack of space in my kitchen, I cried and left the smallest in the box. Next day I was glad to see that the smallest one was also taken.

I picked up the container and immediately started preparing to bake sourdough bread the next day. The starter is bubbling nicely.

The preparation of the bread is the same as usual, so I'll skip it. The dough is finished and I've made a mistake; I preheated the container in the oven. The container was quite heavy, and it was hard to take the heavy and hot container out of the oven, open the lid, and put the dough in it.

In the video, the container is not preheated, so I won't do that next time 😅 And using the container as a fermentation basket is also smart and I want to try it, but I wonder if the humidity will be too much compared to my wooden fermentation basket. I need to experiment.

The coop on top should ope more, but for the first attempt, it's not too bad.

Ja but less holes in the cram ...

I think this is because I punched the dough too much when I was shaping it and also because it was a hot day and the fermentation went faster than I expected and I shortened the second fermentation. Next time I will try using a little less dough and fermenting in the container.

After the butter test, I ate slices with a fancy spread of fresh cheese, horseradish, and orange marmalade. Delicious!

I found out about this spread on Instagram post by a sourdough bakery in Kanagawa called Bulk. The bakery is by a wonderful baker who was a friend of mine when I was in Berlin.


So, while there are some improvements, I like the method of using heat-resistant glass containers and will research this baking method, including improving the process.

Happy bread baking!

🍞 🍞 🍞



Baking sourdough bread after a while / 久しぶりのサワードウのパン



なんと道に落ちていました。Zu Verschenke(あげます)と書かれた箱に色々なものと一緒に三つグラタン皿が入っていたのです。パンの大きさと合う二つをもらってきました。













Yeah!! I have a set of pyrex bowls. Actually come to think of it, I've made pork chop baked rice in it before, so they should be good for bread!! Thanks for the update

Thank you too for the comment so that I could be careful about selecting my containers. Pork chop baked rice sounds tempting ... 😁 Happy baking, @livinguktaiwan 🍞

WOW! お疲れ様です!
I'm not into baking breads (only eating! hahaha) but my friend @appleeatingapple is also into this~ I remembered her because of your bread process.

ありがとう!My biggest motivation for baking bread is to eat good bread at home 😁 We have nice bakeries in my region but not really close from my place. I followed @appleeatingapple. Such a nice Hive name 🍎

Ohhh that's so unfortunate. Then you'll have no choice but to make one.
I also like eating good bread! Please share some! 😅

@appleeatingapple is a witty name, isn't it? She gives me bread when she bakes a lot so my tummy is happy. 😅

Wow it's so nice you have a real bread sharing friend on Hive! I wish I could send you one via Hive blockchain 😁 (And receive others' nice food!)

Hahaha yesss! She gives me food sometimes 😅 So very generous friend.
I wish I could have a taste of the bread you made. If only it will come out of the web and be real 😂

omg thanks for tagging me @wittyzell

@akipponn I have been attempting sourdough for a very long time now and even tried different ways to bake but I just can't seem to find what works for me. It always come out hard hahaha
Lovely bread you have here




タグは私が忘れただけです 😅 もっときちんとコミュニティのお守りしないとだめですね、、、反省反省。パン好きなのですが、人生最後の一食は納豆ご飯な日本人なのです。。日本って米粉の種類多そうで、米粉パン研究しがいがありそうですよね。うらやましいです。