Multi Purpose Plant-Based Brioche-Style Dough / 万能プラントベースのブリオッシュ風生地

in BreadBakers2 months ago


Let me introduce you to a vegan dough that creates delightfully fluffy bread – so good you won't even notice it's plant-based!

For those unfamiliar with vegan butter, it might seem like a unique ingredient. However, there are plenty of options nowadays without trans fats and/or palm oil. If you're baking vegan, it's worth seeking these out! And if you’re not particular about vegan ingredients, feel free to use regular butter for the same amount.

One of the best features of this dough is its flexibility – no eggs means you can easily adjust the quantities without worrying about leftover egg portions. Plus, the dough isn't overly sticky, making it perfect for kids or beginners to handle.

The ingredients and steps are super simple. Let’s get started!


  • 300g all-purpose flour
  • 70g water
  • 60g soy milk
  • 23g sugar
  • 6g salt
  • 10g fresh yeast (or 5g dry yeast)
  • 30g vegan butter


  1. Dissolve the yeast in water.

  2. Mix all the ingredients except for the vegan butter into the yeast solution and knead into a dough.

  3. Once the dough is well-combined, add the vegan butter and continue kneading until smooth. If you have a stand mixer or bread kneader, mix for 20-30 minutes to achieve a soft, fluffy texture.

  4. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise for 30–60 minutes. (The rising time depends on the temperature – the dough should almost double in size.)

  5. Shape the dough as you like! You can make small rolls, one large loaf, or even stuff it with fillings like sweet red bean paste, chocolate etc.

  6. Allow the shaped dough to rise again for 30 minutes.

  7. Preheat the oven to 200°C (392°F). While waiting, brush the dough's surface with soy milk.

  8. Bake the rolls for 12–15 minutes or a larger loaf for about 30 minutes, keeping an eye on them.

Enjoy the Versatility!

One of the joys of this dough is experimenting with different shapes and sizes. The challah in the first photo, the New Year pretzels below, and the soft buttery rolls were all made from this dough.



For the pretzel, I used 500g of flour. For the rolls, I used 200g (dividing it into 8 for smaller rolls or 6 for larger ones). It's also tasty to toast slices for a crispy treat.

Let your creativity shine – happy baking 😊





あと、この生地のよいところは卵が入らないので、生地の分量を柔軟に変えられるところです。材料に「卵1個」などとあると、分量を変えると変に卵が余るんですよね 💦 そこまでベタつく生地ではないので、子供やパン作りに慣れていない人にも扱いやすいのもよいところ。



  • 小麦粉 300g
  • 水 70g
  • 豆乳 60g
  • 砂糖 23g
  • 塩 6g
  • 生イースト 10g(ドライイーストの場合5g)
  • ヴィーガンバター 30g


  1. イーストを水に溶かす。

    1. にヴィーガンバター以外の材料を混ぜて捏ねる。
  2. 生地がいい感じにまとまったところでヴィーガンバターを加えてなめらかになるまで捏ねる。ニーダーがあれば20-30分ほどしっかりニーダーで混ぜるといい感じにふわふわの生地ができます。

  3. ボウルに布巾をかけて30−60分一次発酵させる。(発酵時間は季節や室温によって違って、生地が2倍弱になるのを目安にするとよいです。)

  4. 好きな形に成形する。小さく分割してバターロールのようにしても、大きなパンを作っても。あんこのようなフィリングがあれば包んで焼いても。

  5. 成形した生地は30分ほど二次発酵させる。

  6. オーブンを200度に予熱する。予熱を待ちながら、生地の表面にはけで豆乳を表面に塗る。

  7. オーブンが温まったらバターロールのような小さいパンの場合12−15分、大きなパンの場合は30分ほど様子を見ながら焼く。







all those breads look so delicious and cute !