My Bitcoin Pizza Day 2024 / 今年のビットコインピザデーのピザ 🍕

in Foodies Bee Hive10 months ago (edited)

Yesterday was Bitcoin Pizza Day, the day when Bitcoin was used to purchase something for the first time. Koji Higashi, a Japanese bitcoin pioneer shared some lesser-known facts regarding Bitcoin Pizza Day on X. It's in Japanese but you may be able to read it with a translation app.

Same as previous years, I baked a pizza. It was an orange and fennel pizza. It was absolutely delicious.

I wouldn't have thought to bake a pizza with orange toppings if it weren't for Bitcoin Pizza Day, so I have to thank Bitcoin for this inspiration (the Bitcoin logo is orange and is often represented by the 🍊 emoji).

First, I decided to use orange and then started thinking about what to pair it with. I love winter salads with orange and fennel, so I decided to use fennel as a topping too. Even though both are out of season... After sending my family off in the morning, I went out to buy the orange and fennel.

This time, I used sourdough for the pizza crust. I had been on a cooking strike for a while, so the sourdough had been resting in the fridge. Fortunately, it was still in good condition.

Instead of tomato sauce, I used fresh cheese with herbs to complement the orange and fennel.

I topped the pizza with the orange slices and other ingredients, ready to bake it!

Since I was too much into taking photos, I realized I forgot to put cheese on top ... 😅 I quickly grated cheese and added it on top.

And it’s baked! If I do say so myself, it turned out perfect 😁

I piled on some arugula and fennel leaves. I learned this trick of adding a salad on top of pizza in Germany, and I love it.

Before eating, I used a new ingredient I recently got; Trüffel oil. This small amount cost 16 euros, but it’s worth every penny. It’s hard to describe, but it’s more than just olive oil, almonds, and garlic – it has something extra special.

Looking back at the photos, I noticed that last year I used a 3D-printed Bitcoin cookie cutter I made in Austria to cut out the cheese.

In 2022, right after the Tera/Luna crash, I made pizza and took a photo with Satori Coin. Little did I know, I would also be blown away by the FTX crash six months later 😇

During the 2021 bubble, I baked a standard pizza. I hosted the Bitcoin Pizza Day Challenge as @BreadBakers. Such good memories! I hope to do it again next year.

Bitcoin Pizza Day Challenge by @breadbakers

In 2020, I baked a bit late, but it was around this time that I started making pizzas for Bitcoin Pizza Day.

Currently, Bitcoin is around $70,000. The price fluctuates, but having a form of money that no one can control, open to everyone, is really cool. As a fascinating social experiment, I look forward to being a part of Bitcoin’s journey. Keep going, Bitcoin!

🍕 🍕 🍕

昨日ははじめてビットコインで物が買われたビットコインピザデーでした。Koji Higashiさんがビットコインピザデーの意外と知られていないあれこれについておもしろいツイートをしていたので共有します。








焼き上がり!自分でいうのもなんですが完璧です 😁





Tera/Lunaが吹き飛んだ直後の2022年は悟りコインとともに。半年後にFTXとともに自分も吹き飛ばすとはまさか思ってもいませんでした w


Bitcoin Pizza Day Challenge by @breadbakers

