Using up a big bag of spinach / ほうれん草の大袋を使い切る

in Foodies Bee Hive11 months ago (edited)

My partner is a typical southern German who loves bargain hunting and wants to live environmentally friendly. There is a supermarket near our place that drops prices tremendously before holidays, especially vegetables, then he buys them or I must say he "rescues" them. What a nice person 😁

Last week, a big bag of spinach came in before the Easter holiday. I think he told me it was 69 cents or 89 cents. Anyways, it's super price. Not only this, but many other things. Like two porrees each for 50 cents, or two organic avocados for 1 euro....

But the most challenging one was definitely the 500 gram package of spinach. It is about the size of my daughter's pillow. I had seen this size sold before, but we are a family of three and wanted to eat fresh, so I bought 100 grams of spinach from the market every now and then. It was like 5 times the usual amount all at once.

We ate up the spinach within about 4 days, and I'll write how I used it.


This is one of my favorite dishes, and I thought if I fry the spinach, it would reduce the this time I fried a large amount of spinach instead of adding potatoes, which I usually combine with spinach. I thought I used a lot of spinach, but it felt like there was an infinite 😂


I'm not a fan of smoothies except in the summer because I feel like they cool me down too much, but my partner likes it. So it's time to make a smoothie. I made it with bananas, spinach, soy milk, and honey. It's easy to prepare, just blend everything in a blender. At this point, I still feel like I have spinach infinitely 😅


I made a curry with spinach and lentils, partly because I started reading about Ayurveda and wanted to use spices such as turmeric. I forgot to take a picture on the day of the curry, so here's another mystery picture with the gnocchi I had leftover in the fridge 😅 They fit well ...

Butter sautéed as a side dish

Another frying strategy to reduce the volume. Finally I used up whole the pack on Sunday lunch with a classic German combination of baked potatoes, fried eggs, and sautéed spinach. Yes, I made it!

Gratin in the cold season, or a pizza with spinach tofeta cheese in the summer would be nice.

Thank you for coming to our place, the huge spinach pack. I'm glad I was able to complete the spinach marathon without wasting any of it. But really, how do German families use this amount? It is not an amount that can be easily used up just because there is another child in the family.... It is a mystery. I must ask to my partner's mother when we meet her this week.

If you were me, how would you use it all up?

I actually like cooking with surprise vegetables in creative ways. I enjoyed the challenge this time, too. Now, let's see what will be hunted next time 😉

Happy cooking!

🥬 🥬 🥬

うちの相方はバーゲンハンティングが大好きで、環境に優しく生きたいと思っている典型的な南ドイツ人です。うちの近くにおやすみ前にはものすごく値下げするスーパーがあり、野菜が叩き売られていると買ってきます。いいやつですよね w 冷蔵庫がぱんぱんの時や作りたいものがある時などはイラッとしますが。









アーユルヴェーダの本を読み始めたこともあり、スパイスを使いたくて、ほうれん草とレンズ豆のカレーを作りました。カレーの日に写真を撮り忘れてしまい、これまた冷蔵庫に残っていたニョッキと合わせた謎の写真です 😅






私は実はサプライズ野菜を工夫して調理するの嫌いではないです。今回も楽しくチャレンジできました。さてさて、次は何がハントされてくることやら。楽しみにしましょう 😉