Spending the last month as a vegan, I also thought about nutrition.
One thing I would like to change is to consume more whole grains. Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, reduce the risk of disease, and are good for weight loss because they are satisfying... I know I know. But they are not being fully adopted in my diet.
I really like 100% brown rice, except for the hassle of cooking it such as soaking it for a day and then pressure cooking it. On the other hand I like white ones when it comes to pasta especially. Even though I have bought whole wheat pasta several times, I always go back to white ones.
I thought bread might be easier to try as I bake it by myself. So I've been trying to gradually increase the percentage of whole grains in the ciabatta I bake at least once a week. I started from 25% whole wheat, then 50%, and it seemed to be good, so today I increased the percentage to 75%.
The process of making this ciabatta is very simple and relaxed: mix the flour, yeast, sugar, and salt, let it sit in a bowl with olive oil, and fold them every hour. The basic mix is 400 g flour, 300 g water, 7 g salt, 10 g sugar, 4 g fresh yeast (2 g if dry), and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I increase the amount of water up to the amount of whole wheat flour (for today's 75% I added 350g of water).
The results look like following. The left side is 75% whole wheat and the right side is 50%. I guess the less whole wheat flour, the fluffier it is. But still both are nicely fluffy.
From the top, the color of the one with 50% whole wheat flour is brighter.
I thought 75% would be quite heavy, but after 4 hours of slow fermentation, it is quite fluffy.
I haven't received any complaints from my family up to 50%, and I think 75% will probably be fine too. I'm excited to serve the new one for dinner tonight. I'll try 85-90% next time.
Starting from bread, I may finally start eating whole grain pasta ... I'll see!
Happy baking!
Happy baking 😊