Have you noticed the price of eggs recently?
Have you noticed the price of meat? The price milk? The price of everything in the store?
Every one of these seems to have a plausible excuse. The covaids, bird flu, some buildings made of metal, exploded and burned down. However, from what i know about farming, and farm buildings, this stuff didn't happen in the past, and most likely isn't just happening by accident.
Those mother WEFers have a long track record of restricting food supplies in order to make the population more compliant to following the orders from above.
On top of restricting food supplies, these mother WEFers are filling up the super market with poisons. Things that make you obese, low on energy, diabetic, and in generally poor health.
And, lately, they have been looking at adding bugz to everyone's diets.

The Egg-tastrophe
Nothing of the MSmockingbirdM story is correct. It is hard to imagine that people do not know enough about chickens to know they are having smoke blown up their ass. But, that is our reality. Many people believe chicken comes from a plastic covered, styrofoam tray.
So, a guy from the govern-cement comes by to an egg factory and starts randomly testing chickens for the bird flu. No symptoms are being looked for, they are just getting a swab and putting it into a PCR test. You know, those things they used during covaids, that really shouldn't be used for that purpose?
Well, if there is anything close to "bird flu", or the PCR has an extra multiplier (one more stage, and you will get far more positives), or the PCR was already contaminated (you have to have the bird flu to make the PCR test to test for bird flu) then the tests will show that some of your birds have the bird flu, and "we recommend you kill your entire flock".
Now, it is not "illegal" to not kill your birds, but are you going to make the govern-cement inspectors upset with you? Besides, the govern-cement will pay you for your lost production. Because, they are "making" you kill your flock.
So, from the egg factory owner's point of view, the govern-cement is going to pay them, and they won't have to do nothing. All money, no work. Great deal.
And they will just order another batch of chicks from the breeder, and 16 weeks to 6 months later (depending on breed), are stamping out eggs again. You are always culling and introducing new chickens into your machinery.
Now, the thing is, we aren't seeing any other birds with the bird flu. We aren't testing any other birds. We just happen to be running around testing chickens, after the story has been broadcast on the TV.

The Poison in our Food
We could grow sugar beats or sugar cane and do almost nothing to get processed sugar out of it. However, we have taken corn, which doesn't have much sugar, and worked out a process to create a sticky, sweet substance that mankind was never meant to ingest.
The process of making High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a lengthy and expensive process. One that no entrepreneur would do, being that it is too complex and too expensive for the price you can sell the stuff that comes out of it.
In fact, you can get sugar from Mexico for less than you can buy subsidized HFCS for. And it is only because sugar imports are heavily regulated and micro-manged, that in America we have to pay so much for sugar.
HFCS does have one really great advantage. If you make cookies with it, they last MONTHS longer. The shelf life of breads, cookies, cakes, pastries, soda last almost infinitely longer when they add HFCS to the recipe. And you never have problems of sugars recrystallizing. From a manufacturing and shelf stable point of view, HFCS are a miracle substance.
Of course, it is almost a plastic (just like margarine) and really bad for your body to handle. It messes up your sugar/insulin system and hurts your organs.
Seed oils are even worse. Seed oil (like Canola/Rapeseed oil) was created as an engine lubricant. And now they feed it to people.
The process of getting oil out of seeds is long, with boiling, mushing, pressing, spinning, cooking some more and finally DEODORIZING, because the stuff that comes out of that process smells rancid, because it is rancid.
This stuff is BAD to put into your body. It will literally make your liver stop working, while it looks like it is still working. And, if you remember, those govern-cement offices, so caring for your health, told you to stop using beef tallow (which had been used for centuries) and start using seed oils because they are better for you. However, just look at our population. Giant blimps of people, and it is in great part due to consuming seed oils.

There Are BUG Factories in America Already
Most people do not want anything to do with eating bugz, however, there is some big money pushing ahead with creating bug recipes and bug chips and bug meal and bug burgers… And they have already built many bug growing factories all over The US. They are built in out of the way places for some strange reason no one knows.
Already, patents and registered names are being given to bug concoctions. This way, you won't see bugz on the ingredient list, you will see something like "Gluten-free-crunchy-coating®".
For the most part they are growing crickets. (because cock-roaches won't eat as many things, those picky eaters) And a really big problem is that the crickets cannot be cooked like regular meats because there is so little of it there, so we won't be getting rid of all the parasites that grow in bugz.
You eat the bugz, and we will find a lot more people having all kinds of problems that come with parasites.
This stuff will be pushed on the public. Even if they have to starve you to make you hungry enough to try it.

The easiest way to control humans is to control their food supply.
The hardest thing to do is to control a bunch of good-ole-boys with their flocks of chicken out in the woods, where no one can find them.
Really think about where your food comes from. Your grocery store has a maximum of 3 days worth of food in its system. We are all on the brink of starvation, and we don't even realize it.
Also give a lot of though to what you are putting into your body. Almost all that boxed food in the frozen food aisle is poison. It is destroying people's health. And we just think it is normal.
We think that indigestion is normal. We think that gut cramps are just part of eating. Well, they are not normal. They are a problem of putting bad things into our guts.
Food is going to get more expensive.
Food is going to get more poisonous.
Food is going to get scarcer.
The plans are already in motion. I hope that RFK jr. blows the lid on a lot of it. But, those mother WEFers are bigger than The US, and they will continue with their plans. Find a way for you and your family to go around, to avoid their plans.