Don't Get Distracted By Making Super Strong Units

in FreeCompliments11 days ago

Hi there. We meet again here in my blog.

As usuall I would like to welcome you all to my weekly Splinterlands post. This is my second post for this week, and I use this as my entry for a Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Splinterlands Social Media Challenge is a regular event hold everyweek, where all of us the Splinterlands players share some experience and thoughts from what we got in this game.

Currently we could super buff up our units in the battle using two approaches. The first one is to have some martyr ability holders, and let them get killed first so when they die, they will buff up the adjacent units. This was very useful tactic especially when we have special units with a bloodlust ability, they could grow upto a ridiculous IMBA power.

The second way is to exploit the Weapon Training Ability. Of course we need some idle or non attacking units to get this weapon ability buff. This could turn a non attacking unit into attacking unit. They would be super dangerous because they get some attack damage and join the attacks. Idle or non attacking units are good in their own term, which mostly passive tanks or support units. If they get attack, of course they get over powered.

What I want to share here is that the fact sometime people get drown into their imagination of making up a super strong unit, and they make it, the units are very strong but still... They end up losing. It is not fair, yes it always be a sad thing seeing super strong units are the one that lost the battle.

The reason they lose? They get to fixated in buffing up units, and make the team having a big hole, in term of "WEAKNESS" and the weakness get exploited.

so without further ado, let see a battle of this case..

hive divider - thepeakstudio.png


~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Now we are at the battle discussion. This is the battle I picked today. In a glance, there was nothing special or challenging with the rulesets.

Basically this was a super sneak theme battle and the death element was ineligible to participate in. There was an extra ruleset, tis but scratches, which technically gave all unit a cripple ability.

In general I could say there were two things that became my focus here. The first thing was about that cripple ruleset, this but scratches. This made healing would not be effective in long run. Defense would be more effective in maximizing armor usage.

So I decided to bring Noa The Just in, his rust ability was the one that I seek. I chose to play offensively and healing and repair would not be my concern. I needed to made sure I would kill first and killed more using a couple of melee unit.

And that was my second concern, I needed to kill first and killed more. So I decided to used these two units:

The first one was Coastal Sentry. She was one of my favorite, because she could deliver 2x4 melee damage = 8 damage, so with super sneak ruleset, she could kill a unit in one go. That's one of the reason why I put Noa The Just in too.

Would this become a good move or not, it still depended on what meta and line up my opponent would come with.

The second unit was of course the most favorite unit from Chaos Legion, the Deeplurker. It was debatable why would I brought a Deeplurker with his opportunity ability, because this could be a distraction and my team could end up in losing momentum because the damage was scattered.

The reason was simple, I needed to prepare a backup plan incase they piled up big tanks on the rear. Deeplurker would be need to maintain the killing rate. He could kill their support unit first incase they were hid in the middle of formation.

So let's see how this battle will proceed

  • The battle started with both side buffing their team and debuffing their opponent. In general both of us seemed to use the same out line. We tried to eliminate opponent armors using Rust from Noa The Just. We both focused using the melee attack to exploit super sneak ruleset.
  • They came with 16 melee damage per round. and 6 magic damage. A combined 18 damage per round, this was a terrifying number. I should lost one or two units each round.
  • My team had 16 melee damage per round, this was not a small number either. I would eliminate atleast a unit per round.
  • Their line up was built by weapon training ability, and please look at these units

  • I found their Merdaali Guardian and Noa The Just were OP (over powered). I needed to give them a big credit because their tactic to build up strong idle units was paid off, they got these two monsters and these two really put me into trouble.

  • Both of us Manage to kill a unit in the first round, the funny thing was both units was a backline tank. My team killed their Baakjira and they killed my Cruel Sethropod.
  • We got a killing spree here, I meant they were killing my line up LoL. I lost Deeplurker and Disintegrator and both were actually important for my team.

  • Round 3 started with the condition was not in my favor. I had 3 units and they had 4 units. My total damage was 8 Melee damage per round and they have 11 melee damage per round plus 2 magic damage. Almost twice of my fire power.
  • I killed their Noa The Just... and somehow they could not land any damage to my Coastal Sentry in this round

  • We were back ta 3 vs 3 at this point, and somehow I did not think I could lost this battle. The 2 attack missed in the last round was too much for them, they lost all their momentum there.

  • Round 5 was the last round, They got wiped out. Good Game

The Super Units Lost..

Ok lets check their super units again:

Those Merdaali Guardian and Noa The Just were insane. I would keep saying this because indeed they were great. Now the biggest question is... If they get supported by super units, why di they lose?

First of all, level is not an issue here. You might say if they had higher level units on par with me, they would win. Yes you may argue with me about it but it is not like that. Their units are more expensive than mine, so I could say if I had more money, I could get a unit with same price or cost with them. So this would turn into never ending argument.

From my perspective, they made two big mistakes here:

  1. Their aim or focus was divided. I attacked their backline but they healed their front line. on the offense part, two of their units were mages so they aimed front line. So their 18 damage per round was divided to two targets, while my target was fix on their backline.
  2. Aves Sturgis was killing them. Their desire to make a super strong Noa The Just was the reason for their own lost.

Aves Sturgis is a strong card but he has main weakness which is easily killed due to low health point. In the super sneak ruleset and equal opportunity, which everyone could aim backline units, he is very useless. He will die first. Except you plan to let him die easily, then don't bring him in.

This was the hole in their team and this explained why despite they won in the first round then suddenly they were losing the rest of the rounds. Why did they bring him in, simple I bet all that my opponent wanted to have super strong 4 melee + 2 magic damage of Noa The Just. Their decision for buffing up units ended up as the main reason they lost this battle.

So what do you think about this one case, do you agree with me or you have different opinion? Please leave your comment and opinion below. That's all for today post, and Thanks for coming and let's meet in Splinterlands Battles!!

hive divider - thepeakstudio.png

Thank you for visiting my Splinterlands post here, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding Social Media challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice