Bug, Gardens Teardowns, Garlic, 50 lbs Celery, Freeze Prep, Trampoline, Spuds, Kraken - Thursday

in Homesteading5 months ago

Was heading out the door yesterday morning to go work in the gardens when I found this katydid on the step of the deck. The temp was about 38F but it was getting warmth from the sun, though that hadn't helped it too much yet. The thing was super slow moving in the cool air. I got some pics of it then picked it up and set it in the weeds out of the way.


Out in the garden the first thing I did was to fold up the plastic that had been around the celery and coil the irrigation lines.


I needed the wheelbarrow which still had bean plants in it so I umped those in the sheep pen and got the water tubs gathered to put up for the winter. I only heat the barrel which is ample water for them all when it is cooler.


I uncovered everything, rolled all the row covers and dropped them by their storage bin. The fence for the peas came down since the deer had munched the plants and I rolled it and tossed it over the fence to storage. The chard had gotten too damaged from the colds/frosts and deer that I just said "screw it" and pulled it all to give to the sheep.


They were in heaven as they lined up at the feast.


As I worked the sun kept climbing and the maple tree by the creek got more glowing. No reds this year just the vibrant yellow and golds.


The potato plants all got loaded into the wheelbarrow and dumped on the mulch pile with the tomato plants.


I got my 10th variety of garlic and am still awaiting the other 3 to ship.


Water line heaters all got plugged in to ensure I have free flowing lines.


Then the near final harvest ensued. The celery all had to come out and I pulled them all and hacked the roots off before sticking them into a plastic tub.


I still had a few little ones left that weren't worth pulling.


The tub managed to hold all the celery and weighed right at 50 pounds.


With the last of the chard pulled I folded the plastic and coiled all the drip lines.


The main garden is now winterized.


The pole garden was the next to be dealt with. I dropped the outer fence and rolled it to the end. The fence for the peas came down and rolled up, the plastic gathered then drug to the bottom end.


I pulled the poles for the outer row as I am pairing it down for future. I am looking at keeping just 3 rows of poles but still having the rows to grow in. The drip lines got coiled at the top end.


The irrigation needed to be turned off by the house and I opened all the valves to let it breath.


My back, hips, and shoulder blade were on fire but I managed to get the trampoline taken down and stored for winter.


I had asked the boys to box up the potatoes on the deck but it took me just doing it myself for them to come out and help. They got the rest in boxes and we got them all in the house.


While @stryeyz and the boys were at the school skate night at the roller rink I got a little bit at the board and damn it it was the wrong triple!


The Kraken played the Flyers and had a pretty good game. 2 goals in 8 seconds!


I went out to soak for half an hour then headed in to watch the last of the game.


They won 6-4 and gourde got into a nice fight in the last minutes.


About 25F this morning. Boys are to school, I have to deal with the greenhouse and finish the winterizing, I'd like to till the garlic garden and get a fence setup around it, I have a landscaping winterization to do for a client mid day, PDC is on, and I have plenty more cleanup to do around the farm.


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Ooh, those look like some happy sheep lol!

All I've got left to do around here is split and stack a bit more wood, wind up some irrigation, and plant a 1000 cloves of garlic tomorrow. The end is nigh!

I've never grown Transylvanian before, I am excited to see how all those garlic varieties perform for ya!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@generikat(5/15) tipped @flemingfarm

Thank God its not Bug Infestation, would have been mass distruction

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