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RE: Wars, Natural Disasters & the VAXXX - That's A Lot of Bodies

in Informationwar4 months ago

Everyday I remind the genocidal maniacs that "we are alive". People are amazing at adapting and maintaining the standard of living they desire, especially when there is a family at stake.

As attractive the "off-grid homestead self-sufficient wilderness community utopia" sounds, if the entire world becomes a collective, those finite number of centralized communities will become infiltrated, targeted and made examples of. Self-sufficiency must be DECENTRALIZED within the system, undermining it, thriving even in the midst of it. Not easy, not as idealistic, but much more sustainable.

The Israelites who fled their Egyptian slavery on their own, outside of the exodus, perished in the wilderness. Even with the intention of starting their own communities, the Egyptian army was so powerful they seemed pretty much unstoppable. This is on purpose, because God is worthy of the glory of humiliating and obliterating the most powerful army on earth.

The United States of America currently has the most powerful army on earth, although China and others would love to put that to the test. I hope that patriots in the US military will remember that allegiance to Pharaoh does not make one unstoppable, but allegiance to the Most High (even if it brings oppression) will grant one an imperishable inheritance.


Fear not, because one of the most amazing technologies that is coming out is for defense.

We see those robot dogs, and those war drones, and think, wow, that would be hard to stop. But, they are easy. With just simple physics.

If you want to go over there and attack, you have to carry all the munitions, and all the fuel to get those munitions over there, and you need bigger wings, stronger motors to carry all that. And if you add armor, then you have to increase the wing and fuel and the size…

If you are defending a solid point, you can have all the armor you want. It isn't being moved. So, you could have a hard point that scanned the surroundings, and can easily be trained to recognize the people that are supposed to be there. And have non-lethal, and lethal munitions. for 1/100th the price of a robo-dog, you could have a robo-sentry.

And big bombers, are big and slow (comparatively), and we will have flying bricks. All they have to do is get in the way, while the bomber has to get there and back without running into even one of them.

This is just using modern tech. There is coming even better defense tech.

And, these communities of like minded people will have acceptance criteria that makes anyone who is an infiltrator stand out like a sour thumb.

We will use this on people running for congress soon. Basically questions of, are you a narcissist? But asked backwards, and in a way that they have to prove they are not. What is your allegiance? And this is where internet history will be scoured.

So, in order to infiltrate, you will have to have a complete internet history, of your whole life. And it has to be in old archives. Basically, it becomes very difficult to lie about who you are. But, there are also groups that will take you, as you are.

an infiltrator stand out like a sour thumb

I used to think that, until I began studying the methods of infiltrators. We are amazingly trusting creatures. It is surprisingly easy to sound right and to look right and seem right and those who would betray are the last one anyone would suspect. Nobody suspected Judas Iscariot, because he was beyond reproach with the other disciples.

Oh yes.
I completely comprehend this.

such as honey traps.

Intelligent, attractive women coming onto a scientist is just too much to resist.

Unless you keep your scientists girlfriended.

The thing about the future is that there will be energetic structures that cannot be mimicked. And we will ask the structure, not word games to tease out whether the person is lying.

You can't ask a demon if they are a demon,
but you can ask them "Are you for my highest and best good"
If they cannot answer yes, immediately, and enthusiastically, then they are not good to have around.

Are you for my highest and best good "If they cannot answer yes, immediately, and enthusiastically"

Demons lie and will immediately and enthusiastically lie, just like their father the devil. "If you eat of it, you will become wise like God...." It's for your highest and best good!