PostsCommentskoto-art in #hive-120586 • 15 hours agoHokkaido Sweets 北海道のお菓子 [English and Japanese]Hokkaido Sweets I received a care package the other day, and it was filled with many delicious-looking sweets. Some were classic favourites, while others were brand new to me. Everything lkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 4 days agoEating Udon Noodles at Home 家でうどんを食べる [English and Japanese]Eating Udon Noodles at Home I recently received a parcel from my mother in Japan. The large, heavy box was filled with interesting foods and other items. Due to last year's post office strkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 9 days agoSpring Colours 春の色あい [English and Japanese]Spring Colours Easter preparations are already underway! This year's Easter falls on Sunday, April 20th. Shops are always quick to get ready for seasonal events, and Easter is no exceptionkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 19 days agoDelicious Anticipation: The Joy of Eating おいしい期待:食べるよろこび [English and Japanese]Delicious Anticipation: The Joy of Eating I enjoy thinking about food, cooking, eating, and even preparing and cleaning up, even though I'm not a great chef. I know basic food preparation,koto-art in #hive-120586 • 29 days agoEating Buddha Harvest-Style Dish and Mochi ブッタハーベスト風ディッシュと餅を食べる [English and Japanese]Eating Buddha Harvest-Style Dish and Mochi I recently bought a can of water chestnuts, which my husband spotted on the top shelf at our local supermarket. It was next to the canned bambokoto-art in #hive-120586 • last monthIs Food Tastier When Someone Cooks for You, or When You Cook it Yourself? ご飯は作ってもらうほうが美味しいか?自分で作る方が美味しいか? [English and Japanese]Is Food Tastier When Someone Cooks for You or When You Cook it Yourself? I cook almost every day at home because I work from home. When I worked outside, I sometimes picked up food from stkoto-art in #hive-120586 • last monthI Found Bamboo Shoots and Made Japanese Mixed Rice たけのこを見つけたので混ぜご飯を作る [English and Japanese]I Found Bamboo Shoots and Made Japanese Mixed Rice I think many people have experienced difficulty finding the exact ingredients for specific meals when living in different countries, evenkoto-art in #hive-120586 • last monthOrganic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Taco Rice オーガニックのブルーコーンチップスとタコライス [English and Japanese]Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Taco Rice Taco rice is my husband's specialty. My role is to simply enjoy eating it when he cooks! This time, we bought salsa instead of making it. Thkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoEating Pickled Ginger Beets and Macarons in Cold Winter 寒い冬に食べるジンジャービートとマカロン [English and Japanese]Eating Pickled Ginger Beets and Macarons in Cold Winter If I say, "It's cold," will I feel better or warmer? Hmm... I don't think so. In fact, I feel even colder when I say it. But, honeskoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoLazy Day Dinner and Finding Japanese-Style Cheesecake!? 夕飯を作りたくない日に、日本風チーズケーキを見つける!? [English and Japanese]Lazy Day Dinner and Finding Japanese-Style Cheesecake!? I rarely buy takeout because it’s hard to find healthy food in my area. If my budget were very high, I could get delicious meals frokoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoWinter Soup 冬のスープ [English and Japanese]Winter Soup I love making and eating warm soup during the cold winter months. While I enjoy soup in all seasons, I especially love it during the colder ones. I usually make basic soup almokoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoEating Sauerkraut with Sausage and Memories of My Grandmother's Pickled Herring with Cabbage ソーセージとサワークラウトを食べながら祖母のキャベツとニシン漬けを思い出す [English and Japanese]Eating Sauerkraut with Sausage and Memories of My Grandmother's Pickled Herring with Cabbage I don't know why, but I craved sauerkraut yesterday. When I went to the farm market, I couldn'tkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoLazy Morning On New Year's Day お正月の朝はダラダラと [English and Japanese]Lazy Morning On New Year's Day I usually eat vegan yogurt, fruit, granola, and decaf coffee with almond milk or cashew milk for breakfast. I haven't eaten bread or meat in the morning forkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoJapanese Traditional Soup Dish: Zouni without Mochi and Seared Bonito (Tataki) 餅なし雑煮とカツオのたたき [English and Japanese]Japanese Traditional Soup Dish: Zouni without Mochi and Seared Bonito (Tataki) Happy New Year! How were everyone's New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? The weather here has been mild, and alkoto-art in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoOrder the Special Meal for Takeout 特別な料理をテイクアウトする [English and Japanese]Order the Special Meal for Takeout I usually don't order takeout, but I was too tired to cook dinner last night. Especially since daylight saving time has started, I need to keep the timekoto-art in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoSweets For Me and Snacks For My Dog じぶん用のお菓子と犬用のお菓子 [English and Japanese]Sweets For Me and Snacks For My Dog I love sweets very much. How about you? I've written before about the difficulty of cutting sugar from my life, but today, I want to talk openly about skoto-art in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoRoots Veggies and Cruciferous Vegetables 根野菜とアブラナ科の野菜 [English and Japanese]Roots Veggies and Cruciferous Vegetables Do you like root vegetables? I love them so much! Some of my favorites include carrots, potatoes, ginger, sweet potatoes, burdock, yams, and more.koto-art in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoBeef Bowl-Gyuudon 牛丼 [English and Japanese]Beef Bowl-Gyuudon I don't eat beef often, but sometimes I need to eat red meat. I can’t easily find tender steak cuts at the supermarket. Usually, the beef is pretty tough and needs to bekoto-art in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoOat Based Vegan Plain Yogurt オーツベースのヴィーガンヨーグルト [English and Japanese]Oat Based Vegan Plain Yogurt I recently wrote about Switching from Dairy Milk to Oat and Almond Milk thekoto-art in #hive-178265 • 3 months agoSwitching from Dairy Milk to Oat and Almond Milk 牛乳からオーツとアーモンドミルクに変える [English and Japanese]Switching from Dairy Milk to Oat and Almond Milk I recently switched from dairy milk to oat and almond milk. I can’t be 100% vegan because of my pre-existing medical condition. I’ve been t