#hive-158302Unmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutskoto-art in #hive-158302 • 11 months agoHorsetail Season and My Grandmother's Memory つくしの季節と祖母の思い出 [English and Japanese]Horsetail Season and My Grandmother's Memory Finally, the morning frost is becoming milder, yet we still have chilly mornings here. Horsetails, those tough and delicate plants of spring, aolga2772 in #hive-158302 • 8 months agoパン屋さんのイートインでお茶写真は八幡のパン屋さんの外観。 パン屋さんのイートインスペース。 チーズ玉ねぎパンとアイスコーヒー。  The Planet of The Donut I created an AI image using my colourful donut (doughnut) photo, and I absolutely love it! The spaceship is adjusting to the planet-shaped dokoto-art in #hive-158302 • last yearSetsubun-Japanese Traditional Event With Beans 節分 豆文化 [English and Japanese](日本語は下にあります) Setsubun-Japanese Traditional Event With Beans People celebrated the Setsubun event on the 3rd of February this year in Japan. Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning okoto-art in #hive-158302 • 7 months agoEating Buckwheat Noodles and Then Sweets After Yard Work 庭仕事の後の蕎麦、そしてお菓子 [English and Japanese]Eating Buckwheat Noodles and Then Sweets After Yard Work After yard work in the morning, I had soba noodles for lunch today. Before the sun hit the front side of my house, I decided to dogo-kyo in #hive-158302 • 7 months agoPart-time job & Curry for dinner / パートの話&晩御飯のカレー(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 I got home from my part time job a little before midnight. Lately, the cashier operations have been somewhat busy... I had heard that the store I…koto-art in #hive-158302 • 9 months agoSushi Day 寿司の日 [English and Japanese]Sushi Day We often cook meals at home instead of buying prepared food. This is not our original habit in Japan. We used to go to restaurants like curry shops, ramen noodle shops, sushi shoaitommylr in #hive-158302 • last year1月は毎年風邪かインフルエンザだぞ!★本日は日本語のみでお送りいたします。 ※写真は本文内容と関係ありません。こちらは先日作ったゆで卵乗せカレーの写真です。 ずっと治ったりぶり返したりを繰り返していた風邪にやられて寝込んでいました。 仕事を休んで、休養に徹すること丸3日。 起床した時、明らかに「久しぶりによく眠れた…」と思ったんです。olga2772 in #hive-158302 • last year近所の小さなおそば屋さんが閉店写真は八幡のずっと前からある小さなおそば屋さん。 昨日、朝のウォーキングをしていたら、途中通るおそば屋さんに見たことがない貼り紙が。嫌な予感がして、読んでみたら閉店のお知らせでした。ohlnwwlknat in #hive-188409 • 3 months agoHow I Suppressed My Cravings for a Korean Food / 韓国料理の食欲をどう抑えた [ENG/JPN]English Translation: Introduction Hi, I hope you're doing well this Christmas season! This time I will talk about the time we ate outside with my fellow…