I got home from my part time job a little before midnight.
Lately, the cashier operations have been somewhat busy... I had heard that the store I work at did not have very good sales to begin with. For the past month or so, I asked the manager if sales were going well, since there were many customers during the hours I was working. But unfortunately, she said no different than before. She said that customers are simply flowing into the evening because it is too hot during the day...😅
Perhaps due to the earthquake, many people seemed to buy two or three 2-liter bottles of water today.
I have to hit the cash register in parallel with cleaning and taking out items, so I can get flustered if there are a lot of customers. I don't think this job is right for me because I am not good at doing multiple things at the same time (or so I think). However, the hourly wage is good and it is a very white office, so I think I will continue to work there for a while.
These pictures are of curry for dinner. I often end up making curry when it is too much trouble to think of a menu, but I think it is a wonderful meal that is easy, pleases everyone in my family, and is a great way to add vegetables and meat, without feeling too guilty about cutting corners😍
I'll leave a brief journal entry for today! Good night😉
最近、レジ業務がやや忙しい… 私が勤務している店舗は、元々あまり売り上げが良くないと聞いていました。しかしここ1ヶ月ほど夜の時間帯のお客さんが多いので、もしや売り上げが好調なのでは?!と店長に訊いてみたところ、そういうわけでもない様子。ただ単に日中が暑過ぎるため、お客さんが夜に流れているだけみたいでした・・・残念。