PostsCommentssunscape in #hive-120586 • 17 days agoCraving Carbs and Dairy, Oh My! - by SunscapeI'm doing my best to follow a rather loose Keto-Style diet, but man sometimes you just want those carbs, not to mention, dairy too. I just had tosunscape in #hive-120586 • 23 days agoTaco Night - A Simple Dinner - by SunscapeI felt like something different for dinner and I had all the ingredients to make Tacos. Sometimes simple and fun is just what the cook needs after a very busy week. ![foodiesbeehive-tacosunscape in #hive-120586 • last monthVenison Meatball Subs for Dinner - by SunscapeMy brother from Virginia came for a week's visit with a cooler full of Venison roasts and ground meat. Growing up on wild game my whole life ansunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoSmashed Potatoes and Kalamata Chicken with Zucchini Patties - by SunscapeIt has been a very cold week here in western, N.Y. and plenty of snow has fallen. I found half a jar of Kalamata Olives in the basunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoPrepping Homemade Vanilla Extract - by SunscapeI've finally taken the plunge and made a large batch of Vanilla Extract. It has been something that I wanted to do for years now and I never got arsunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoShrimp & Artichoke Fettuccine - by SunscapeIt felt like a pasta night and I had a bag of shrimp in the freezer to use and this was the result. This meal was quick and super easy to make, plus it was dsunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoGrass-fed Steaks from South Dakota - Oh My! - by SunscapeWhen your family brings you "true" grass-fed beef from South Dakota, you save them for a special occasion. We decided to have them for New Year's Day. So msunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoBreakfast Casserole for the Freezer - by SunscapeIt was time to restock the freezer for my husband's breakfasts. This is one of the recipes that I make for him on a regular basissunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoSouthern-Style Buttermilk Biscuits - by SunscapeIt has been some time since I thought of making some biscuits. I think it must be the wintry weather that makes me want to have some comfort food. This is the resunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoCreating My Best Cookie Recipe - by SunscapeWell, I had some fun this week in the kitchen. I was going through some old recipes I had saved over the years; I had so many different chocolsunscape in #hive-120586 • 2 months agoChicken Parmesan and Cordon bleu for Freezer Meals - by SunscapeI've been craving chicken lately so I made Chicken Parmesan and Cordon bleu. Since I was cooking up a large package of chicken breasunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoHoliday Cranberry Salad - by SunscapeIf you are looking for a light fruity salad for your holiday meal, you may enjoy this fresh cranberry salad. I have to say, I was a bit skeptical about this recisunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoAssembling Christmas Cookie Trays - by SunscapeFinally, the baking was complete and I got all the cookies frosted that were left to do. It was time to assemble the giveaway trays. Getting 16 trays tosunscape in #hive-106316 • 3 months agoBaking Christmas Cookies - Round 5 - Sesame, Soft Gingerbread, and Toffee Almond Bark- by SunscapeThe last round of Christmas cookie baking is here. I've been busy making various cookies for my holiday giveaway trays. Sesame and Soft Gingerbread cookies are nextsunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoBaking Christmas Cookies - Round 3 - Cuccidati - by SunscapeItalian Fig Cookies or "Cuccidati" have been a traditional holiday cookie for as long as this old gal can remember. I always make tsunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoBaking Christmas Cookies Round 2- Cherry Winks & Chocolate Kisses - by SunscapeMaking another round of Christmas cookies. Today, Cherry Winks and Chocolate Kisses are both a favorite for sure. Cherry Wisunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoBaking Christmas Cookies Round 1 - by SunscapeThis week I've been busy baking Christmas cookies for the giveaway trays. I have certain ones that are favorites that my neighbors enjoy. I will share the recipessunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoWhite Clam Sauce & Garlic Toast - Oh My! - by SunscapeThere are those times when you want something you haven't had in a long time; "White Clam Sauce" was it. White Clam Sauce (Serves 2) 1 12-ounce packagesunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoOvernight Blueberry French Toast Casserole - by SunscapeI made this French Toast Casserole with a freshly baked Challah Bread. It is the perfect bread because it turns spongy with the juice from tsunscape in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoThanksgiving Dinner was a Success! - by SunscapeAfter three days of preparing our Thanksgiving dinner, the family approved everything. It was the first time making a dinner for my daughter-in-law and grandson